
The North Zone is the area of city growth with all kinds of real estate available: land for developments, vacation apartments in La Boquilla and Cielo Mar and residential homes in Barcelona de Indias and Terranova.

The Serena del Mar megaproyect is the most important developmnet with properties of all sorts and a new city in the making.

Sectors of the North Zone

Serena Del Mar

Serena del Mar is the most important urban mega project in all of Colombia, with more than 1000 hectares. . .

see sector


This suburb is made up of three gated communities: Terranova, Cartagena Laguna Club and Merlot. Terranova. . .

see sector

Manzanillo Del Mar

Looking for direct access to the Sea, the city has been heading north to conquer two fishing villages:. . .

see sector

La Boquilla

Also known as the Morros area, it is a strip of land with direct access to the sea where large apartment. . .

see sector

Cielo Mar

Cielo Mar is a developing area near the Sea and La Boquilla. It has several apartment buildings with. . .

see sector

Barcelona De Indias

Barcelona de Indias is gated community of contemporary architecture built in 2010, with houses of all. . .

see sector

Punta Canoa

Punta Canoa is a coastal village, sister of Manzanillo del Mar, whose area of influence and geography. . .

see sector