Manga is a traditional Cartagena neighborhood, where we find beautiful Republican mansions that are part of the city's architectural heritage. We can describe Manga as a mainly residential area, highlighting Miramar Avenue where we find luxury apartments overlooking the Bay of Cartagena and marinas to berth your vessel. We also find some commercial and institutional areas such as Jimenez Avenue, the campus of the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolivar, the headquarters of the Dian, the Metropolitan Police and the Port Society. The Fort of Pastelillo and the Club the Pesca contribute to the historic charm of this neighborhood.
Manga is a small island connected to the city through four bridges: the Roman bridge with Getsemani, the Las Palmas bridge with the e Pie del Cerro, the Jimenez bridge with the Pie de la Popa and the Bazurto bridge with El Bosque.